Friday, February 18, 2011

Escondido Falls--update

I've gone back up to Escondido Falls a couple of times recently, and have some udpates for you:

The trail conditions have worsened once you leave the main path and head up the mountain to the upper sets of falls. There's one section that has eroded pretty badly, so some helpful person has tied on some ropes to help hikers get up and down that slope. A few weeks ago, there were three ropes, but it now appears there are only two--however, the two that are left are sturdier than the third one appeared to be.

There's been some general erosion on most of the upper trails, so you just have to take your time scrambling over stuff. One path to the upper falls is blocked by debris, but there are other routes around it, if you can scramble over the boulders (just above the middle falls).

The cave to the side of the upper falls has changed--the entrance has grown over a bit, like a stalactite, due to the water dripping from falls. It's a tight fit, and you can get into it if you are flexible and determined. :) When I went up a couple of weeks ago, the man-made ladder was MIA. This week, it was propped up inside the wading pool at the base of the upper falls. By climbing on the old tree trunk that hangs over the pool, I was able to reach over and drag it back with my friend. We carried it up to the cave, and I went on in to explore!

The cave wiggles upward (everything is sharp and wet) to an opening further up the mountain--it's not very far, but it's still kind of neat! It looks like you could go even further up, but it's dicey--looks steep and there's no protection if you slip, so I didn't try it. However, even just the little cave was cool! Kind of a bitch to get out of, though. :)

Below is a video of me leaving the cave, and some updated photos!

This one refuses to load the right way, so it's sideways...I'm too lazy to figure out how to fix it.

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